Intergenerational activity guide


Intergenerational activity guide developed as part of the course ERG842 – Final integrative activity in occupational therapy by 2nd cycle students of the occupational therapy program at the University of Sherbrooke: Laurie Chatelle-Lambert, Fanny Goulet, Myriam Guertin, Virginie Hébert, Marianne Larin, Nicolas Oryschuk and Judith Simoneau, and supervised by Mélanie Levasseur , erg., Ph.D. (Full professor at the School of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the Uds).

You are authorized to download, share and adapt the presentation below, provided that you credit it by all reasonable means.

Chatelle-Lambert, L., Goulet, F., Guertin, M., Hébert, V., Larin, M., Oryschuk, N., Simoneau, J., & Levasseur, M. (2024). The basic approach when interacting with people with neurocognitive disorders. Presentation carried out as part of the Masters in Occupational Therapy program. University of Sherbrooke.

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